Saturday, May 18, 2024

Murray Brown sweeps awards at WMRC banquet

Murray Brown is one of our newest members. Although he joined the club just last year, he has become one of our most enthusiastic members. For the club’s special event model contest, he placed second for his accurate and well researched diorama of a level crossing at Meadows, Manitoba. He won third place in the annual photo contest for his photo of the CN Symington yards repair shop.

He won the Robert Weaver memorial award for an article he wrote that was published in The Lantern, the official publication of the WMRC. Murray also found the time to rewrite a draft of the club’s constitution. We need more members like Murray Brown!

Murray travelled to Meadows, Manitoba to take on-site photos and measurement of the level crossing at mile 22.4 on the CPKC Carberry subdivision to help him create this accurate diorama.
Murray's striking, almost monochromatic image of these wheel sets at the CN Symington yard won third place in the WMRC's annual photo contest.


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