Friday, May 31, 2024

Neil Carleton multiple award winner for his campground diorama

Neil Carleton (L) is seen receiving the award for best in show for his Prairie Grove Campground diorama from Marvin Fetch at the WMRC's AGM and annual banquet held on May 9.

Neil Carleton won two awards for his Prairie Grove Campground diorama at the WMRC’s annual open house and train show. The awards were presented to him at the club’s AGM and annual banquet held on May 9.

Neil won best in show for his diorama he submitted in the special event category, which was to create a diorama on a 9x12 picture frame. He also won the club’s first people’s choice award for the same model. This award, initiated by former WMRC secretary Marvin Fetch, let visitors to the club’s open house vote for their favourite model. Neil won hands down in this category. Marvin noticed that during the voting the visitors were very impressed with Neil’s creative use of LED lighting on his diorama. 

Neil Carleton also received the club's very first people's choice popular vote award for the same diorama.

Neil packed a lot of detail inside a picture frame! 

A closeup of the campground scene on Neil's diorama.


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