Showing posts with label Thousand Lakes Region. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thousand Lakes Region. Show all posts

Friday, October 07, 2022

Take a virtual layout hop to MMR Alan Saatkamp’s Wisconsin River Division this month

This month we have a great Zoom presentation by MMR Alan Saatkamp, who will conduct a virtual tour from Illinois of his Wisconsin River Division HO layout.

Alan enjoys modelling the paper industry in Wisconsin prior to CN’s purchase of the Wisconsin Central in 2004. His layout will be featured in Kalmbach’s 2023 edition of Model Railroad Planning. His layout that follows the Wisconsin River division of central Wisconsin. He'll demonstrate how he conducts operations at the different communities along his railroad.

Alan is well known by local model railroaders as past president of the NMRA’s Thousand Lakes Region. He earned his MMR in 2012. He was editor of The Fusee, the official publication of the TLR and held various leadership roles in the TLR’s Dakota Southeastern Division. He lives in Normal, Illinois, about two hours south of Chicago.

Alan holds regular group operating sessions twice a month, next month he will celebrate his 250th operating session on his model railroads, which includes layouts in South Dakota, Minnesota and Kansas. He also publishes a newsletter about his division, titled Prairie Ponderings.

The fun begins at 7:00PM on Friday, October 14 at the Charleswood Legion, 6003 Roblin Boulevard. We will be holding our monthly model and photo displays, plus a 50/50 draw. If you wish to view the meeting via Zoom, email us at and we will send you a link.

The gang's all here, and having lots of fun at one of Alan's operating sessions, which he conducts about twice a month.

Out roving correspondent, WMRC Vice President and long range trucker Ian Plett paid a visit to Alan's layout in Normal, Illinois, this year.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Lester Breuer models a Southern Pacific boxcar

Our good friend Lester Breuer is an active member of the NMRA’s TLR (Thousand Lakes Region) division. He is also a Master Model Railroader (MMR), and he lives in Plymouth, Minnesota. He has a blog titled The Minneapolis and Northland Railroad Company, in which he tracks his modelling projects step-by-step from start to finish in a very user friendly, easy to follow format. 

Lester’s latest project is a Sunshine Models resin Southern Pacific kit of a single-sheathed rebuilt boxcar. We have found that the “how to” posts we have had on this blog have been very popular, and we have not seen anyone who does these posts is such detail better than Lester Breuer. You can see how he built this model by clicking here.


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Supertrain, TLR convention cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic

Two model railroad events have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Supertrain, Canada's largest train show, has been held in Calgary since 1995. On March 13, the Calgary Model Railway Society announced the cancellation. Tentative plans are to hold Supertrain on April 10 and 11, 2021 at its usual venue at the Genesis Centre in Calgary.

The Thousand Lakes Region of the NMRA announced today that their upcoming spring convention, titled the Sioux Empire Special, has been cancelled. The next TLR convention will be held in Bismarck, North Dakota in May 2021.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Big model railroad convention coming to Ames, Iowa

The Thousand Lakes Region of the NMRA is holding a joint convention with the Mid-Continent Region in Ames, Iowa from May 18th-21st, 2017. This is the first time these regions have joined forces to hold a convention, and it’s definitely going to be worth the trip!

The convention will be held at the Quality Inn, situated on the east side of Ames, with easy access to Interstate 35 and Highway 30.

There will be a train show that will be open to the general public and convention attendees on Saturday. The train show will include over 70 dealer tables, a silent auction, and display layouts. This is a great opportunity to share the NMRA with others who have not yet joined.

There will be clinics on a wide range of topics, including:
•Creating Realistic and Enjoyable Passenger Operations by Drake Hokanson
•Grade Crossings by Fred Headon, MMR
•Custom Decals for Model RR by Dave Roeder, MMR
•Evaluation and Documentation by Ryan Moats, MMR
•Son of Imagineering by Ryan Moats, MMR and Whit Johnson
•Computers in Model Railroading by Dr. John Bate
•Scratch-building Board-by-board and more by Mike Engler
•Bridges by John Hotvet, MMR

For more information about this exciting convention, go to: 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Where was everyone at the TLR regional convention in Fargo?

The Thousand Lakes Region of the NMRA held a great regional convention in Fargo, North Dakota in May. Although many members of the WMRC are also NMRA members, only three of our members attended, despite it being just a four hour drive. But Model Railroader Magazine's Cody Grivno thought it was a great convention, and he posted a video all about it on the MR website, which he and Gerry Leone hosted.

So here's what you missed:

Monday, November 17, 2014

Winnipeg Model Railroad Club mourns death of long time member Wayne Spector

   We were saddened to hear that long time WMRC member Wayne Spector passed away recently. Wayne had been a member of the group since 2007, when he joined with his life long friend Oscar Lakatos, whom he knew since they were in high school.

   Wayne was also a member for the Prairie Dog Central Railway, the Winnipeg Railway Museum and the NMRA. He attended conventions held by the NMRA's Thousand Lakes Region in 2009, 2010, and 2012. Wayne rarely missed a WMRC meeting, and he always enjoyed going for Pizza with some of the members at Santa Lucia's on St. Mary's Road.

   "I will always be grateful for the advice he gave me when I was the Convention Director for the 2010 Steam on the Prairies convention." Said WMRC Blog Editor Paul Ullrich. "I had absolutely no idea where to hold the banquet, and Wayne came up to me and suggested that the Prairie Dog Central could ride us to a place where we could hold our banquet called  the Hitch'N'Post. It was a great idea to combine the train ride with the banquet, which is what we did, and everyone loved it."

   Wayne was very devoted to his mother. After she died in April of 2013, Wayne's health began to rapidly deteriorate. He survived her by just over a year and a half. Wayne is survived by his sister Terri-Mae and her family.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Welcome to the Winnipeg Model Railroad Club!

The Winnipeg Model Railroad Club was founded in 1955 by a group of about 50 charter members. The original clubroom was located at the CPR station on Higgins Avenue in the company's old Rules Room. From there, the club moved to the Manitoba Clinic for a few years until around 1968 when it moved to the Veterans Room at the CNR station on Main Street. Club membership had grown to over 125 members. The WMRC met there until 1995 when VIA Rail Canada took over the CN station and the Veterans Room became unavailable. The Club shifted to several different locations until 2005 when it moved to its present location at the Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor Avenue (at Lanark Street) in River Heights.

The Winnipeg Model Railroad Club is a non-profit incorporated club with a purpose to promote the interest, knowledge, operation and enjoyment of all scale railway modelling and related photography. It is a voluntary organization governed by an elected executive with members-in-good-standing holding voting privileges. Elections occur during the April meeting. The Club welcomes guests interested in model railroading and associated interests to its meetings with the aim of helping them enjoy themselves so much that they'll want to come back. Regardless of your skill level or area of interest, there is something for everybody. The club emphasizes education and entertainment, so you'll learn a great deal, meet new friends and have fun!

Club Newsletter
The Club publishes an informative monthly newsletter called The Lantern which is produced by the Lantern editor. A PDF version is available to members who are on-line. A limited number of printed copies are available for pick up at our monthly meetings.

Club Meetings
Club meetings are held on the second Friday evening of each month beginning at 19:30 hours (7:30pm) from September to May. Meetings begin with a short business session followed by one or two programs as set out by the Program Director. Programs can range from a slide show presentation about prototype railways, to clinics given by members to show how different aspects of the hobby can be accomplished through certain techniques and skills.

Monthly Model Display
The club offers a model display at each meeting where members can bring in a model they are working on and display it for others to see. This is a display, and not a competition. A prize of a gift certificate from a local hobby shop is awarded at random. This display is run by members of the #1 Northern Division of the National Model Railroad Association.

50-50 Prize Draw
The Club offers a 50-50 prize draw during each meeting where members and guests can purchase tickets to win half of the collection.

A Club canteen is available during each meeting where coffee, soft drinks and donuts are available for purchase.

The Harvey Walker Memorial Library
The Club has an extensive library where members-in-good-standing can take out books and train DVDs from the many hundreds on file.

'Klinic Karnaval'
Once a year the Club conducts a series of modelling 'stations' where those attending the meeting can roam from table-to-table and see other fellow modellers performing different aspects of the hobby. Each clinic is meant as a teaching tool to show others how to perform many of the skills used in the hobby.

Home Layout Tours
From time-to-time, arrangements are made for WMRC members to visit some of the many home basement layouts of other members.

NMRA Canada
Winnipeg is in the Thousand Lakes Region (TLR) of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) and operates within the No.1 Northern Division of the TLR. Although the Winnipeg Model Railroad Club is not part of the NMRA, the majority of  No. 1 Northern Division members are also members of the WMRC.

When the No. 1 Northern Division was reorganized in 2008 with its own board separate from the WMRC, it was decided that it would be counterproductive to compete with the WMRC and hold its own monthly meetings.  The WMRC co-operates with the NMRA in every way and the No.1 Northern Division has a presence at all club meetings. Members of the WMRC have always been encouraged to join the NMRA to partake in the many benefits it has to offer.

About every 10 years, the Spring TLR Convention is held in Canada, usually in Winnipeg. The last TLR meet was in May 2010.  The No. 1 Northern Division currently runs the WMRC's monthly model display.

For more information about the NMRA, go to:
For more information about NMRA Canada, go to:
For more information about the TLR, go to:
For more information about the No. 1 Northern Division, go to:

Annual Open House
In April, the Club hosts its Annual WMRC Open House which features a model and photo contest that is open to members-in-good-standing who wish to enter their models and/or photos in the Club contests. Several model and photo categories are available to enter and trophies and model certificates are awarded to each class.

Annual Banquet and AGM
In May, the Club hosts its Annual Banquet and Annual General Meeting where model and photo contest winners are honoured for their achievements in the contests. This is also the meeting where next years' club officers and directors are installed for the following years' activities.

Operating Groups
Over the years, several operating groups sprung up from the WMRC including the HO scale Gateway Western Railroad (about 1957) and an HO scale modular club called the Winnipeg Modular Railway (circa 1986). The modular railway was active in many  shopping malls around the city, finally ending up at the Eaton's store in downtown Winnipeg. In 2002 the club was disbanded for lack of a new home when the Eaton's store was closed and demolished to make room for the new MTS Center hockey arena.

The HO scale Gateway Western Railroad, a more permanent layout at the time, began operations around 1957 when construction began in the then CNR station on Main Street. It was located just off the north rotunda area behind a large glass window where thousands of rail travellers passed by and viewed it on their way to catch the train. When VIA Rail Canada took over the CN station in 1996, the Gateway was told to move out to make room for a public washroom area to be built in the space.

From there, construction began on a modular Gateway Western that became operational in 1998 for the Spring WMRC Open House, held at the Winnipeg Children's Museum at The Forks. The Gateway modules were owned by individual members who built it to a high degree of finish and displayed it at train shows and exhibitions.

In 2000, the group disbanded and sold the layout to another WMRC member who stored it in his basement. In 2004, Gooch's Bicycles and Hobbies offered the WMRC space in their store to set up a model railroad. The Club bought back the Gateway and erected it in the basement of Gooch's where it attracted many new members to the WMRC. In 2010 Gooch's moved their store and the Gateway Western Railroad was put into storage. In partnership with the Winnipeg Railway Museum, the Gateway Western was resurrected in the museum in its own heated structure in 2013.