Saturday, March 08, 2025

Take a rail fanning tour with Tommy Kucera of the northern UK at the WMRC's March meeting

At our next meeting Tommy Kucera will take us on a tour of five heritage railways, a few transportation museums and an occasional pub in the UK. Tommy spent almost three weeks in the northern UK last summer. He will give brief overviews of each railway, with pictures of the rail lines, the scenery, and of course the equipment along with a few diversions along the way. Tommy will also offer up an articulated, narrow-gauge steam locomotive as well as some peculiarities from the transportation museums he visited. 

The fun starts on Friday, March 14 at 7:30PM in the Tank Room at the Charleswood Legion, 6003 Roblin Boulevard. The canteen will be open, and we will have our usual model and photo display and a 50/50 draw. Guests are always welcome!


Thursday, March 06, 2025

Two great model railroaders, Gary Peters and Alf Goodall, have passed away

Gary Peters was a fan of the Soo Line.

We are saddened to report the deaths of yet another two veteran model railroaders and former WMRC members, Gary Peters and Alf Goodall. Gary was an enthusiastic model railroader whose passion was for the Soo Line. Alf was past president of the WMRC in the 70's and remained an active member until the early 2000's when he moved to Winnipeg Beach and spent his time between there and Arizona, where he was also an active member in a local model railroad club. The Winnipeg model railroading community has lost four model railroaders in just a few weeks, and we hope and pray that we don't lose any more for some time to come.