Friday, September 06, 2024

Take a virtual tour of the 2024 NMRA Surfliner convention with John Bate


At our September meeting WMRC President John Bate will take us on a virtual tour of the 2024 NMRA Surfliner national convention, which he attended in Long Beach, California this August.  If you've never been to a NMRA national convention, then this is the place to be! There's nothing like an NMRA national convention. It has to be seen to be believed! 

John will also showcase his visit the California State Railroad Museum, where he viewed "The Magic of Scale Model Railroading" display, which contains many interesting and unique model railroad artifacts and displays. 

There will also be an update on the upcoming Manitoba Mega Train Show, which will be held at Red River Exhibition Place on September 28 and 29.  It's also the best time to renew your membership, or become a new member!

The fun starts at 7:30PM on Friday, September 13 at the Charleswood Legion, 6003 Roblin Boulevard. The canteen will be open, and we will have our usual model and photo display, plus our 50-50 draw. 

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