Friday, August 16, 2024

Cliff Davidson sweeps WMRC prototype photo contest awards

Cliff Davidson won two awards for his photo of a CN freight train in the Assiniboine Valley at the WMRC's annual photo contest.

Long time WMRC member Cliff Davidson walked away with five awards for four of his photos in the WMRC’s annual photo contest, held in April at the club’s spring open house. The award was presented to Cliff at the club’s annual banquet, held in May.

Cliff won best in show for his image titled “Along the Feather Canyon”. He won first prize in the prototype category for his image titled “CN in the Assiniboine Valley", second prize for his image titled “Reflections” and honorary mention for his image of the “Keddie Wye”, a popular rail fanning spot in northern California. He also won the people’s choice award for “CN in the Assiniboine Valley”.

Cliff is a seasoned rail fan photographer who frequently barnstorms all across North America and always brings home such unique and fantastic railroading images. We’re delighted to share them with our members and all of our readers from around the world.

Cliff won the best in show award for this image of a UP freight in the Feather River canyon.
Cliff won second prize for this image,  appropriately titled "reflections".
Cliff also won honorable mention for this image he took at the Keddie Wye.


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