Saturday, June 15, 2024

John Bate wins first prize in two model categories

WMRC President John Bate (L) is seen receiving the first place award for freight cars from model contest chair Marvin fetch at the club's AGM and banquet held in May.

WMRC president John Bate walked away with two awards at the club’s AGM and banquet, held at CN’s Winnipeg campus. He won first prize in the freight car category for his model of a bulkhead flat car with a payload. He also won first prize in the structures category for his model of the CPR #5 standard station.

The N scale flat car was Prairie Shadows CN bulkhead flat car. John scratch built the stakes from styrene strips cut to length with  chopper tool. The hay bales were made of garden twine cut to short lengths and separated into individual strands. He cut scotch tape in strips 3/8” wide and 3” long, then sifted the twine fibers onto the tape. He rolled up the strips to form the bales.

He built the N scale station from a Monashee Laser engineering kit. The L-shaped platform was scratch built. The roof shingles were painstakingly applied one row at a time. He painted the station with an airbrush and stained the platform with colours of Hunterline stains.

John created the hay bales for this model out of garden twine attached to strips of scotch tape.
John scratch built the platform of this model of a CPR #5 standard station.

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