WMRC member Ian Plett commands the controls of the mega-train at the 2016 Manitoba mega Train Show, held at the Red River Exhibition Park last weekend. Photos by Morgan Turney.
It was another mega-success for the 2016 Manitoba Mega Train Show! Celebrating it's second year at the Red River Exhibition Park, the show just keeps growing and growing! Many volunteers from the WMRC kept the show running smoothly, doing set-up, take-down, manning the admissions desk, holding displays and running the mega-train, of course!
The Red River Exhibition building was well attended throughout the entire weekend.
The Echo Valley Mainliners modular group brought their layout all the way from Regina!
The Kildonan Short Lines HO modular has added a spectacular prairie scene backdrop.
It's Lego time! The Manitoba Lego Users Group always puts on a spectacular display!